Five Processes Every Small Business Should Automate

3 min readMay 6, 2022
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Building a successful business will always necessitate some level of potentially dangerous overwork, and this can be quite demanding for a business owner. The truth is, startup founders seldom achieve work-life balance, and the danger of burning out is highly likely. In fact, the burnout factor has accounted for 5% of business failures. Therefore, founders quickly have to learn that every second is valuable, and if they must achieve more in little time, automation is important.

Benefits of Automation

  1. Saves time to focus on other important business tasks: Automation easily eliminates repetitive office tasks, leaving more time for core work. Your team’s workload is relieved, all thanks to automation. Employees may focus on what they’re truly excellent at, now that the most repetitive chores are out of the way.
  2. Fewer errors and inaccuracies: When dealing with large data sets, or doing the same tasks over and over, a person is bound to make errors at some point, and sometimes, these errors can cost your business. That type of inaccuracy isn’t made by automation software. Every time a procedure is completed, an automation tool does it the same way.
  3. Data-driven decisions: Most automated platforms have integrated some form of reporting or analytics, helping you as a business owner to make informed data-driven decisions about your business, your products and your customers. Businesses can consolidate a vast number of data without putting in a lot of extra effort thanks to automation.

Five Processes You Should Automate

Social Media

An average business has social media accounts on between 3 to 5 networks. You can imagine how much of a challenge it would be posting in real-time for each of these channels. Social media automation involves using digital tools and software to optimise and automate content to go up at certain times. The great news is, these social media automation solutions come with a myriad of functions for capturing and analyzing your online presence, as well as tracking insights to make better content decisions. A few of them to consider are Buffer, Hootsuite, Content Studio, Zoho Social, and TweetDeck.

Customer Support

Customer support shouldn’t start and end with automation. However, daily human interaction can be reduced by using bots and software to promptly answer some common queries your customers might have. This also helps to improve the productivity of your support and contact agents, allowing them time to solve more complex issues. These tools can also be used to respond to customers during holidays, or when your team is out of the office, because of their 24/7 availability. Some of the common ones are HubSpot & Zendesk.


Recruitment automation involves using technology for rigorous recruitment and onboarding processes. Founders and HR professionals now use technology for candidate sourcing (on platforms like Indeed, and LinkedIn), screening, interview scheduling via video conferencing, assessments, and background checks.


Automation helps you with reporting and analytics tools to track and analyse your business processes and make decisions based on what works and what doesn’t. For example, an email marketing automation software will often provide you with details on every campaign performance, helping you make better marketing decisions.

Payroll Management

This is by far the most sensitive business process because one payment error can cost your business a lot of money, loyal customers, and trusted employees. Most small business owners use Excel sheets to run payroll or pay employees individually through bank apps, making them prone to payment errors and long processing times.

A payroll software like Eazipay allows you to run payroll for your business; paying salaries, benefits, and relevant taxes all at once.

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